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Donate Online

To make a gift or pledge securely online, please visit our donate page.



Visit AmazonSmile to select Rebuilding Together Northern Nevada as the recipient of Amazon's charitable program. Every time you shop through Amazon Smile, they will donate a portion of the purchase price to Rebuilding Together. Search "Rebuilding Together Northern Nevada Inc." and select that as your organization. Every eligible purchase you make at will result in a donation to us!


Smith's Inspiring Donations

Visit Smith's Inspiring Donations to link Rebuilding Together Northern Nevada to your rewards card.  Every time you shop at Smith's, they will donate a portion of the eligible purchases to Rebuilding Together. Search organization #IE524 or "Rebuilding Together Northern Nevada Inc." and select that as your organization. Every eligible purchase you make at Smith's grocery store will result in a donation to us!


Become a Partner

Rebuilding Together is your answer for employee engagement, community impact and consumer outreach. Read more about becoming a community or corporate partner.



We are able to impact so many lives due to the support of generous volunteers. If you’d like to join our volunteer work crew, visit our volunteer page.